Sunday, January 6, 2013

it's been long. it doesnt even bother me anymore. i jst want the way it is now... soemtimes its beautiful.. n sumtyms it brings pain.
love is never bore.. its like a song.. you keep singing eveytime.. and its the only song which will never make you bore..
though we are not together anymore.. but it is said "to get something.. you need to give something',, life is the biggest market where the greatest bargaining occurs..

i saw the the roads were getting apart.. but since i left the path i following earlier i saw you standing in the new path... i love your presence.. though i lied that i have become ambitious (which is to some extent true),, i still have that part within myself which promised to love you eternally...
sometimes in love and life dont agree to go together,,... what was important for meh was ur presence and your essence..
we are fr

Saturday, October 8, 2011

just a thought!!!

Do we live in the physical world that we can touch, or do we live in the world that we create in our minds?
I wish you a story with a happy ending... and the wisdom to look for it.I hope that I've healed during our year apart, and that I'm sitting with you while you read this. But if I'm not, it's not because I don't love you...
Because I do. And it's not because I don't miss you, because I miss you already. It'll just mean that I'm not better.
And the story isn't over yet.
It is easier to suppress the first desire than to satisfy all that follow.
some of us are meant to suffer..
some of us are made to believe that we have this certain destiny and then it is snatched away. But we have to stay alive beacuse we have to see how the story ends...That's why human beings exist... to save each other from ourselves....
Once in your life, if you are very lucky, you will meet the person who divides it to the time before you met her and the time after.

like the begining... ending too matters.......!!!!!!! you started but i ended... and now if u regret my absence thats completely ur fault..... coz if you cud tr atleast 1/4 of wat i tried to be with u... we wud have still been together!!!!!
one day i WILL grow up... and i will make sure i handle things better to show that not every one can make a mess like you... and being older created more mess than me being a kid !

when you fall in love 2 times in your life... always choose the second one... coz if the first one was your true lover, the second would have never come!

Nobody really knows how much anyone else is hurting. We could be standing next to someone who is completely broken and not even know it,..................
i have moved on.. though there are sth i will neva forget about u..r may be nobdy can replace them abt u... bt i have made a forward step.. in my life if i meet you sumtym i knoe my life wud be rejoiced but iwill neva forget the pain i had gone through... coz u have been the bestest part of my life!!!

LOVE !!!!!!

LoV3 iS ThE RaiNBow BeTwEEn 2 HearTs Thank You from the depth of my heart
For showing me that I’m not a part
I don’t rank high in your priority
And my needs are not your responsibility

Cause of my Love, you are not worthy
Go seek it somewhere else please
Cause I don’t tolerate being displeased

My feelings aren’t a video game
A virtual reality where all feel the same
I’m Unique in my Love and needs
And I expect to be treated equally

What a mess we came to be
When I ignored my heart’s warning
Things have fallen out of place
Just so I can put you, in your right place♥♥

Monday, August 15, 2011

P.Subbu's mind-crap: PAPa!

P.Subbu's mind-crap: PAPa!: "It is a legend that boys are more attached to their mothers and girls more attached to their fathers. Though the myth doesnt work for me, b..."

Monday, April 18, 2011

life continues babes,,,

who says life ends when a relationship ends???
well probably no!.. life continues, ,, with my 11th break up i shreya was here again, more experienced than the last time...
ha hah,,,, again in search of somebody new...
well yes there surely is a better thing...
i was proposed today by Arnab... a great friend indeed. well after my last break up, i think Arnab would be a nice choice. the things that i like about arnab is :-
1) gives me time
2) listens to me everytime though he himself has lot to say
3) bitches for me though he hates it
4) obeys his promises
5) tlks to me for 2-3 hours a day!

but then i thought to give it a break. i mean no more relationship kinds of. tired off....
i have lefft it pending for the cuming years.

it was amazing when yesterday Mish asked about my latest Crush and i replied instantly "i have left it for my graduation".... wow. but yeah this was really amazaing...
after all i dont wanna be a BIMBO...